The Atheist and the Bishop – BBC Radio Four
My programme with Bishop Richard Harries, chaired by Jane Little, was broadcast today and is available to listen again here,[…]
ReadMy programme with Bishop Richard Harries, chaired by Jane Little, was broadcast today and is available to listen again here,[…]
ReadIt’s an all-atheist edition of Baggini’s Philosophy Monthly, with novelist Christopher Brookmyer and psychologist Susan Blackmore discussing the alleged aggression of the new atheists and a universe without meaning. The ethicist Peter Singer also defends his brand of utilitarianism.
ReadSpeaking at this three day conference in Puebla, on a programme that flatters me. Other speakers include Dan Dennett, Philip[…]
ReadBlackwell have just released a podcast interview with me, about my my new book, Should You Judge This Book by[…]
ReadAre human beings selfish and greedy or generous and kind? A discussion about the differences between moral laws and society’s[…]