The limits of scepticism
“Atheist and agnostic physicists argue that to invoke God as the explanation for this is unscientific and ridiculous. But religious[…]
Read“Atheist and agnostic physicists argue that to invoke God as the explanation for this is unscientific and ridiculous. But religious[…]
ReadTalking about Complaint at Glasgow’s book festival at 16:30, and also on an atheism panel with Ray Tallis and Chris[…]
Read“The force of Hume’s arguments is not that he shows religion to be false, but that he shows that it[…]
ReadI was one of Paukl Moss’s interviewees for his report last night on Spotify. You can listen again here for[…]
ReadIt may not be great TV, but a debate I took part in on teaching creationism in schools (or not)[…]