Oxford Union God Forum – 22 October
Speaking with Nick Everitt against the existence of God, opposed by Richard Swinburne and Alistair McGrath. Full details here.
ReadSpeaking with Nick Everitt against the existence of God, opposed by Richard Swinburne and Alistair McGrath. Full details here.
Read“Tories are also supposedly fans of community and faith-based voluntary action. And guess what? It is precisely these kinds of[…]
ReadHere’s the script for a monologue I did for today’s Broadcasting House programme, on the phrase of the week, “Moral[…]
ReadThis is an example of an all-too-rare beast: a rich, complex book that is to be primarily enjoyed simply because[…]
Read“It was no surprise, therefore, that faculties of computing were converted to faculties of philosophy. There are some questions which[…]