Think before you drink – then drink
I intend to make the whole of September, and perhaps even the rest of the year, my “festival of 50”[…]
ReadI intend to make the whole of September, and perhaps even the rest of the year, my “festival of 50”[…]
ReadDelighted to be an honorary research fellow in the University of Kent’s philosophy department. Kent also recently granted me an honorary degree.
ReadContemporary anglophone philosophy has paid very little attention to biography. Its traditional emphasis is on the primacy of argument, the soundness of which has nothing to do with who happens to be making it. To bring the life or personality of a philosopher into a discussion of one of their arguments brings accusation of committing the ad hominem fallacy: addressing the arguer not the argument. …ronically, this means that although it was in continental European philosophy that the idea of “the death of the author” took hold, in Britain and America the authorial voice has been quietly but more efficiently and deliberately buried.
ReadCommunal commemorations may take arbitrary or even baffling forms, but they have an important role to play in civic life.
ReadLike most enduring wisdom, “everything in moderation” turns out to be nothing more than a vague rule of thumb, something to fall back on in the absence of any other information but certainly not a strict rule to be lived by.