Thinking through film and music
The way in which film and music explore ideas is very different from the way in which philosophers do so, verbally and logically. But they are still doing philosophy.
ReadThe way in which film and music explore ideas is very different from the way in which philosophers do so, verbally and logically. But they are still doing philosophy.
ReadTHE PHILOSOPHY OF FREE WILL – 29 MAY, BRISTOL. Are you free? Or are you just following the hidden commands of unconscious processes, genetic dispositions, social conditioning and manipulation? Philosopher JB argues that those who deny we have free will are starting with a misguided and unrealistic idea of what it is. Only by understanding what it really means to be free we can make the most of our freedom. A Funzing event at The Crofter’s Rights, Bristol at 19:00.
ReadHOW THE LIGHT GETS IN – HAY, 25-28 MAY. I’m taking part in a number of events during this philosophy festival.
ReadTHE BATH FESTIVAL – 22 MAY. Taking part in a panel dicussion “Journalism in a post-truth debate” with James Ball (Post-Truth: How Bullshit Conquered the World), Heather Brooke (The Revolution Will Be Digitised) and PSA Journalist of the Year Stephen Bush.
ReadNORMAL? – FOLKESTONE, 12 MAY. I’ll be interviewing musician Anil Sebastian in a short Q&A after a screening of his short film Daffodil at this festival of the brain. 15:30 at the Quarterhouse.