The Virtues of Signalling
Why there’e more to signalling virtue than risible virtue signalling and more in my fortnightly newsletter.
ReadWhy there’e more to signalling virtue than risible virtue signalling and more in my fortnightly newsletter.
ReadWhen we’re honest about what dancing with the devil means, it becomes impossible to close our ears to its diabolical rhythm.
ReadFor a philosopher and historian of ideas, the observation that “life can interrupt one’s best efforts at contemplating it from a safe distance” sounds like a lament. But for Noga Arikha, an associate fellow at the Warburg Institute, it also came to express an opportunity…
ReadWhy is porn at the same time widely accepted and capable of provoking outrage? My now fortnightly newsletter.
ReadThe case against overuse of epithets like “liar” is not based on upholding norms of politeness. Rather, it is a principled argument against attributing guilt without evidence and a practical call to make sure than when we do need to say clearly, plainly, even angrily that someone has lied, that accusation has all the power, force and serious that it should.