The weakness of reason
This edition of the microphilosophy newsletter looks at whether weakness of will is enough to explain why why don’t live by our principles.
ReadThis edition of the microphilosophy newsletter looks at whether weakness of will is enough to explain why why don’t live by our principles.
ReadThis edition of the microphilosophy newsletter looks at a Confucian challenge to Stoicism.
ReadYes, we have tender feelings towards fluffy companion animals, gambolling lambs and alpacas under threat of involuntary euthanasia. But these feelings are only directed towards animals when and if they are pleasing to us. Whenever protecting or enhancing an animal’s welfare brings costs to ourselves, our so-called love mysteriously vanishes.
ReadMy 12 February newsletter on the pitfalls of supposedly precise language
ReadPhilosophy deprives itself of valuable resources when it turns its back on history, and so also history is of limited use if we don’t apply its lessons to philosophy. The humanities are always stronger when they work together, not in hermetically sealed departments.