Aristotle’s attack on democracy
Aristotle’s criticisms of democracy were often insightful and prescient. They are more relevant in the age of Trump than ever.
ReadAristotle’s criticisms of democracy were often insightful and prescient. They are more relevant in the age of Trump than ever.
ReadIn Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche described what he called “The Last Men”. These are human beings who have overcome all[…]
ReadThe way in which film and music explore ideas is very different from the way in which philosophers do so, verbally and logically. But they are still doing philosophy.
ReadThe culture of self-promotion has turned many who in other times would have been modest and self-effacing into boasters and braggers. They take things about themselves which are technically true and make them sound more impressive than they are. Here are four of the tropes I find most grating.
ReadBank holidays are a British idiosyncrasy that some former members of our empire continue to honour. Other countries don’t have more of them, they have public holidays instead. This is not a matter of mere terminology. A public holiday is a shared civic commemoration of something important for the society that celebrates it.