In Defence of Reason

Gottlieb avoids the “learned Gibberish” John Locke lambasted, written by scholars who “cover their Ignorance with a curious and unexplicable Web of perplexed Words”. Instead, he wears his learning lightly with an engaging and entirely comprehensible sequence of crystal-clear paragraphs.


Anger—what is it good for?

When a philosopher writes a book with five abstract nouns in a six-word title, you might justly fear a laboured tome of desiccating logical analysis. When the author is Martha Nussbaum, however, you can be reassured. Nussbaum is one of the most productive and insightful thinkers of her generation, though strangely undervalued in the UK. She combines a philosopher’s demand for conceptual clarity and rigorous thinking with a novelist’s interest in narrative, art and literature.


A day to celebrate paying tax

31 July should have been a day of great civic celebration. For the first 212 days of the year, every penny you’ve earned you’ve kept for yourself. In the meantime, you’ve been enjoying and helping others enjoy the health service, public education, kerbside waste collection, policing, defence, pensions, roads and welfare payments, all for free. Only since Sunday have you started to contribute your share to all these and many more benefits of a modern, developed state.
