Vague Hopes

If we don’t think about it too much, we are easily deluded into thinking it’s obvious and unproblematic what life after death means. We all know what it means to be alive, so surely life after death simply means that we carry on living like this on the other side of the grave. But if you think about for more than a few seconds, this quickly becomes nonsensical.


Are you really free to choose your vote?

On Thursday the nation decides. Each one of us will be free to choose how or whether to vote. But if you’ve been paying any attention at all to the findings of modern psychology, you might doubt whether your vote is truly free at all. There is a mass of compelling evidence that all our choices, including our electoral ones, are strongly affected by myriad unconscious and often irrational factors…


How to Build Free Will

Those who despair of free will only do so because they have an unrealistic idea of what it involves. They have a fantasy of a mysterious, pure, free-floating will that acts independently of nature or nurture. They think that the only kind of real responsibility is ultimate responsibility, and that unless we can choose everything from our genders to our personalities to our preferences, we cannot be responsible for what we do.
