Freedom Regained at Scientia Salon

The undeniable fact is that brains provide the material means by which conscious life is sustained. Without brains there can be no human consciousness. But it does not follow from this that we can explain all human behavior in neurological terms alone and that conscious thoughts contribute nothing to our actions. That is a much stronger claim, which goes against the evidence of experience.


Guardian Masterclass

HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR IDEA FOR A ‘SMART THINKING’ BOOK – LONDON, 13 JUNE. This course will help attendees who already have an idea for a ‘smart thinking’ book to develop it and pitch it to publishers. Before the course, you’ll submit an outline of your project and some sample writing, with feedback provided on the day.


2015 Salon London Transmission Prize

WINNER OF THE 2015 TRANSMISSION PRIZE. The Salon London Transmission Prize recognizes speakers’ work to reach a wider audience and has been been split between two winners this year– Margaret Heffernan and Julian Baggini. … Baggini, author of The Virtues of the Table (Granta), takes on people’s obsessions, preconceptions and need for food and giving audiences philosophical answers in his presentation.
