Award shortlists
BOOK SHORTLISTED FOR AWARDS. The Virtues of the Table has been shortlisted for the André Simon Food and Drink Book Awards as well as for the Transmission Prize. Winners will be announced in March and February respectively.
ReadBOOK SHORTLISTED FOR AWARDS. The Virtues of the Table has been shortlisted for the André Simon Food and Drink Book Awards as well as for the Transmission Prize. Winners will be announced in March and February respectively.
ReadTHE VIRTUES OF THE TABLE AMONG THE FT’S BOOKS OF THE YEAR. Tim Hayward writes, “Baggini, a practised demystifier of[…]
ReadINTERVIEW IN THE INDEPENDENT. Susie Mesure talks to me, mostly about my new book. Read here.
ReadWHAT KIND OF IDIOT ARE YOU? Take this simple test to find out, then share and compare your results with virtual friends and total strangers!
Read“In ‘A very British populism’, a thoughtful exploration of British culture and politics, philosopher and writer Julian Baggini argues that the same springs of populism that fuel the far right elsewhere in Europe exist in Britain. He warns against the complacency of the ‘it could never happen here’ mindset; whether in the form of a ‘softer-edged’ UKIP, or a more sinister movement, populism could be at our doorstep.”