The World Tonight
THE WORLD TONIGHT – BBC RADIO FOUR. I was on Monday’s programme talking about abdication. Not my own, of course.[…]
ReadTHE WORLD TONIGHT – BBC RADIO FOUR. I was on Monday’s programme talking about abdication. Not my own, of course.[…]
ReadThis is the second podcast in a series examining the theme of the relationship and tensions between harmony and freedom. This episode approaches this issue from the intimate to the global. My guests are Philip Pettit, L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton University; Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, professor of philosophy at the University of Iceland; and Leif Wenar, Chair of Philosophy and Law at King’s College London. Produced in association with the Berggruen Philosophy and Culture Centre.
ReadTHE PHILOSOPHER’S ZONE – ABC RADIO. Discussing free will with Joe Gelonesi. Recorded at the Sydney Writers Festival.
ReadAUCKLAND WRITERS FESTIVAL PODCASTS. Several podcasts are available of events I spoke at in Auckland in May. The Moral Mixing[…]
ReadTODAY – BBC RADIO FOUR. I was discussing Why were we surprised by recent political upheaval? with David Spiegelhalter on Monday’s programme.[…]