The Hume Paradox
How great philosophy leads to dismal politics
ReadHow great philosophy leads to dismal politics
ReadPrivate trauma has been overshadowed by the public health emergency, leading many to feel their individual troubles count for less
ReadDelighted to have been Turi Munthe’s guest on this Parlia Podcast.
ReadDry January merely replicates the source of the problem it is supposed to be solving. It reinforces the idea that we need to go through a period of complete abstention to make up for our festive excesses. It perpetuates the binge-purge cycle rather than short-circuits it. The solution is not to refrain from enjoyment but to avoid excessive indulgence in the first place. Avoid a sodden December and your January can be moist.
ReadBoris Johnson’s trade deal does not bring “glad tidings of great joy” but final confirmation that a special relationship has been turned into a purely transactional one.