What transforms us?
Philosophy is only rarely transformative, being neither a good cure for misery nor, thankfully, a cause of it.
ReadPhilosophy is only rarely transformative, being neither a good cure for misery nor, thankfully, a cause of it.
ReadThe value of human life and society is not to be found purely by counting up the number of lives and how happy each one is. There is also a profound value in the presence of good motives and values, and the absence of wicked ones.
ReadAt best, the pet-human relationship is an example of the kind of mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships many animals enjoy.
ReadSome find our increased reliance on mental prosthetics troubling. Will a generation that can google everything, everywhere, grow up unable to remember anything?
ReadHow you can you be placed under an obligation when you did not agree to take it on? Generally speaking, we don’t think you can. If you accept an invitation to dinner, you have created some obligation to reciprocate. But if someone sends you an unsolicited gift, you are certainly not obliged to send one back.