Memento mori
It is true that we cannot imagine the state of being dead, because not experiencing is not something we can[…]
ReadIt is true that we cannot imagine the state of being dead, because not experiencing is not something we can[…]
ReadIf the French existentialists had been offered more options in those left-bank cafés, would they have had enough energy left[…]
ReadIn a court of law, jurors can return one of only two verdicts: guilty or not guilty. Yet we know,[…]
ReadMaybe Paul has the answer after all: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as[…]
ReadIn the latest microphilosophy podcast I talk to Mary Warnock about her latest book, Dishonest to God: On Keeping Religion out of Politics. The interview was recorded live at the Arnolfini Centre as part of the Bristol Festival of Ideas.