The rights to this book have reverted to me so I'm able to make a PDF of the entire book available to supporters.
In “Complicit,” the behavioral ethicist Max H. Bazerman argues that “complicitors always surround the most famous evildoers.” More uncomfortably, he insists that complicitors include the likes of you and me.
ReadSpecial episode on the 2022 US mid-term elections talking democracy, trust, compromise, Trump, information, media and all the rest. With Fiona Macpherson, Chris Carman and host Simon Kirchin.
ReadIt is the very amorality of markets that invites immorality. They encourage us to view interactions through the lens of pure cost and benefit, as though this were a value-free zone.
ReadOur problem is not that we have too much individuality but we have the wrong kind, an ersatz version that leaves us closer to the dystopia of uniformity than we dare to believe.