Inconvenient ideas and how to disagree
Video of a discussion at Integrity 20 Brisbane in October 2018, with Tom Switzer, Jodie Ginsberg and Stan Grant.
ReadVideo of a discussion at Integrity 20 Brisbane in October 2018, with Tom Switzer, Jodie Ginsberg and Stan Grant.
ReadAyer’s work tells us important things about the shortcomings of Anglophone philosophy. Blog for Prospect.
ReadIn debate with Simon Jenkins about David Hume’s bold challenge to the primacy of pure logical thinking, in Prospect.
ReadReview of Cass Sunstein’s two new books in the FT
ReadValues, not data, are the basis of policy. The job of evidence is to inform policy-making to maximise the chances that any given reform achieves the ideological goal. It cannot tell us what that goal should be.