Lessons from a divided nation
Could Brexit be good for business? Perhaps – if only because it has taught us several important lessons about how not to conduct collective decision-making, which corporations would be wise to heed.
ReadCould Brexit be good for business? Perhaps – if only because it has taught us several important lessons about how not to conduct collective decision-making, which corporations would be wise to heed.
ReadYou might think that a university philosophy department facing closure in Hull is of as much interest to the average person as the shutting of a butcher’s in Wolverhampton is to a vegetarian in Totnes. But the events unfolding on Humberside are symptomatic of a deep malaise affecting not just universities but the wider culture. The crude pursuit of what is “practical”, “efficient” or “useful” is threatening everything of value that isn’t evidently profitable.
ReadVideo of my keynote talk at Integrity 20’18 presented by Griffith University
ReadGoogle has taken on the jobs of oracle, soothsayer, sleuth, psychotherapist and priest. But although it might seem omnipotent, its ability to meet our deepest needs is clearly limited. Our desire for it to do so reveals much about us.
ReadWe seem to be caught in a dilemma. We can’t just dismiss the unacceptable prejudices of the past as unimportant. But if we think that holding morally objectionable views disqualifies anyone from being considered a great thinker or a political leader, then there’s hardly anyone from history left.