Babette’s Feast
“Digs in to every food-lover’s favourite film. This slender treat nourishes with every page – with never a hint of a recipe.” – Financial Times
Read“Digs in to every food-lover’s favourite film. This slender treat nourishes with every page – with never a hint of a recipe.” – Financial Times
ReadThe film shows us how lockdown and restrictions on what we can eat are opportunities to appreciate the value of food even more. When we care about what we eat and pay more attention to it, we can achieve more with less.
ReadWe should be free to criticise any religious belief system so long as we choose our words with care.
ReadJust as Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous writings were meant to enable the reader to understand different modes of existence from the inside, Carlisle’s biography takes us inside Kierkegaard’s troubled, complicated life, portraying a man who both compels and repels in turn.
ReadHow do we take Christmas seriously if we don’t take it literally? How do we stop it becoming just a childish fairytale, something to provide themes for Christmas cards and carol concerts