Do our lives need a narrative?
For many philosophers and psychologists, the idea that we need a life narrative is something of an understatement. It would be more accurate to say that we just are the stories we tell about ourselves…
ReadFor many philosophers and psychologists, the idea that we need a life narrative is something of an understatement. It would be more accurate to say that we just are the stories we tell about ourselves…
ReadAddiction is a vague term and professionals usually prefer to talk about dependence. Still, whatever word you use, somewhere between champagne truffles and crack cocaine a line is crossed. But where?. Whether we have free will or not, there is an important difference between choosing to have a coffee and being consumed by the need to shoot heroin.
ReadBe prepared for the information about to enter your brain via your retina to cause neuronal firings that will result in the raising of your eyebrows: a leading neuroscientist has declared that that we are not mere collections of atoms, nor just biological machines. According to Sebastian Seung, the self is a non-material entity. The 21st-century soul, however, is not some strange ghost in the machine. It’s information. You are, in effect, a piece of software running on the wetware in your skull…
ReadIt is true that we cannot imagine the state of being dead, because not experiencing is not something we can[…]
ReadWe may not have as much conscious control over our actions as we think we do, but people who deny[…]